Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Modern Physics

Modern physics tells us about incredible worlds that exist in the infinitely small and the infinitely large. M-theory, String Theory, 4 fundamental forces, Standard Model, SuperGravity and Quantum Mechanics are just a small subset of theories that are used to describe the physical world. The closer we get to a Theory of Everything the more impossible the chance of a scientific proof of the theory becomes. At what point does Physics become Metaphysics?

That is a particularly interesting question to me, given that I am in the middle of a conscious study of Metaphysics for the next few weeks. Listening to some of the best Theoretical Physicists talk about Strings, (mem)Branes, Collisions, Dark Matter, Dark Energy and on and on I am struck by how closely it resembles historical Metaphysical explanations for the Universe. Not on specifics, but on the style of communication.

Physics today is grounded and driven by extremely sophisticated mathematics that ordinary laymen such as myself cannot understand. It requires significant scientific and mathematical background. So, the implications of the theories that are predicted by the math must be communicated in "stories". Stories tell us about the wonderful worlds that exist in parallel Universes, Multiverses (multiple universes) and strange particles that zip, collide, split, disintegrate and form new particles at the sub-atomic level.

A story is the fundamental component of Mythology. That's where we started. Metaphysics, starting with Platonism and descendents told Metaphysical stories held together with logic. Modern Physics seems to have advanced to the point where we are weaving extremely grand and complete theories of the physical world told in the form of Stories that are held together by Mathematics, or Formal Logic. So, modern physics is based on a concrete and mathematically provable Logic, where as Metaphysics is held together by pure logic.

No matter how far Modern Physics takes us, though, it is still focused on the Effect, whereas Metaphysics is focused on the Cause. At some point, Cause can get very close to Effect. However, it can probably never get there. Another aspect of Metaphysics is that some forms are held together by personal experience in Consciousness as well as Logic.

The stories of modern physics seem to be contemporary versions of myths that we can spin with some degree of foundation or grounding in very sophisticated Formal Logic. (Mathematics). However, the goal is to understand the Effect so thoroughly that the Cause will be revealed. Metaphysics has a different starting point, which is to understand the Cause through Logic, Intuition and Meditation so thoroughly that the Effect makes sense at the highest level so that the true Order of the Effect can be understood and influenced by the intuitive insights of Metaphysics.

Sorry if I've boiled this down to much to be understandable. Obviously, many hours of stimulating and clarifying conversation are possible from these concepts.

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