Saturday, March 12, 2011

Radical Management

I just finished the book "A Leader's Guide to Radical Management". This book argues for expanding and implementing iterative and transparent management techniques across the entire organization. So, it is one of any number of methodologies and philosophies that argue for proliferating the principles of contemporary software development techniques found in Agile Scrum to a broader application.

If you are familiar with Agile/Scrum, much of the "radical" techniques will be very familiar. This is especially true about the long list of practices that are suggested at the end of each chapter. Nothing really new here.

The main premise of the book is about identifying clients and focusing on pleasing them. Clients do not have to be external customers but are also internal groups or departments that consume the output of another group or team.

There is lots of good wisdom about team leadership, transparency and client-focused operational techniques that is communicated through anecdotal stories throughout.

Overall a decent read, more interesting if you are not at all familiar with the concepts.

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