Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hurricanes, Blogs and PHP

Archived from my old blog site from September, 2008.

Oh well. Hurricane Ike appears to have bypassed DFW for the most part. I am sitting here watching the drizzle and fizzle of the remnants of Ike out my condo window. It may have been more exciting if high winds and massive thunderstorms had developed, but at least I did not have to move any patio furniture in the house.

Two things I’ve learned in the past week that place me squarely on the trailing edge of technology are blogs and PHP. It was dirt simple setting up a blog on my web site and it has been fun experimenting with it. Please add comments to any posts that interest, entertain, annoy or disgust you so that I can make sure comment posting by random visitors is working.
PHP was an early language used to add server-side interactivity to web pages. It has been supplemented and in some cases bypassed by reportedly cooler technologies such as Flash, Flex, ASP, .NET and probably many others. Since my web hosting provider only supports PHP right now, I decided to play around with it. Pretty simplistic so far.


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