Sunday, May 10, 2009


It has been a very long time since I have posted a blog. I have been thinking recently that I needed to start again. My original goal was to post something every day. That turned into anywhere from a few times a week to weekly to monthly depending on what was going on. I believe that blogging is a public form of a journal, less personal, more abstract, maybe.

Dave Winer has stated that one aspect of high quality blogs is that they are about something the writer knows a lot about. I thought about that, but decided that I'd take a different approach. What I have been trying to do most of the time is to abstract from my life experiences into something that might be generally interesting. So, it ranges from commentataries on things I have read, reviews of events, but, mostly just thoughts on things that happened to me or that I thought about. However, the thoughts are usually generalized into more of a semi-philosophical question or exploration.

At any rate, from now on I am hereby committing to blogging on a "regular" basis. Daily is good if I can keep it up. I place no restriction or format on what I will write. Having stated this "publicly", now I have to do it, right? :-)

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