Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Steve Jobs

When I first saw an Apple II, many years ago, I was inspired to do something different than what I was doing. I took a few computer science courses and got a job programming an Apple II+. Later I designed software and game music for an Apple IIGS. I learned everything I could about building interesting applications on many generations of Macs. I worked at Claris (a former sibling company of Apple) for two years. I have lead software teams doing Mac development. I recorded many hours of music on several generations of Macs. Just last week I used iTunes to convert some recent home recordings to mp3 to upload to my web site. I also used it to burn those recordings to CD. I own an Apple TV.

These are a few ways that the direct and indirect contributions of Sir Jobs helped spur my imagination and energy over the last 30 years or so. He will be missed.

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