Another second Friday, another completed Iteration. This particular Iteration had a lot of carryover from the last one. Many stories were code complete but were not accepted by stakeholders due to lack of availabilty. A lot of those were accepted. Most of the stories that are required for the upcoming release are accepted or will be early Monday.
Next Iteration will be a "Qualification Iteration". This means that there will be little or no new features added during the next 2 weeks while we submit release candidate builds to Customer Support to run real-world tests. The goal is to have a real RC1 by Wednesday. We may also do a late night Wednesday or Thursday night and provide dinner to the Support group and Development to encourage a focused testing window of 2-3 hours so we can try to flush out regression defects sooner rather than later.
Our plan is to do Qual Iterations at the end of each release. A typical release cycle will be some number of normal scrum cycles where we accept a set of stories and defects. After all the feature-adding cycles we will have 1 or 2 Qual Iterations at the end of the cycle for a short Release Candidate period. External customer participation will be welcome as well to increase real-world testing.
On another topic, I have discovered 2 or 3 new blog sites that I am now following. These are great personal development blog sites that provide lots of positive thought-provoking inspiration to "be" better. We all want to "be" better, right? The better we "be" the better we "do". Take care of the "being" and the "doing" will follow.
First up is The Art of Manliness. This blog is an entertaining and informative resource with articles, blogs, and advice on how to be a better man. Even though it's primarily for men, there is a lot of good general advice for better "being". Man up!
Next is, Change Your Life. This is a more general recording of someone's personal journey toward self improvement. Again, lots of great thoughts and insights.
Finally, although I was not too impressed with the entire site, the Fifty Habits of Successful People was a good read. How many of these do you do? How many of them do you need to think about doing? Read them often.
I thought these sites were very good uses for blog sites. Spreading positive thinking is always good. We have enough negativity and fear already. We need more positivity, faith, courage and confidence.
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